One of the basis of information bits that golfer needs to know to improve its performance is to understand why the golf ball is the way it does. The design of the equipment and the actual mechanics of the swing creates various flights ball which the golfer must observe. Golfers need to understand these characteristics with respect to their swing for any hope of self-analysis.
Careful observation of the flying ball, with observation of the pattern ranges, (including how advanced plugs?) a golfer can better diagnose what are his swing problems. It is not very complicated!
We will identify the different types of flight of the ball after impact.
The golf ball has a tendency to follow the same patterns of flight clubs, golfer uses whatever, and this characteristic is particularly visible in the clubs more long long irons, wood. (metal)
Observe flight patterns and the explanations below for a golfer transmitted to the right.
The ball goes straight - the clubface is square in the line of flight of ball at impact.
The ball begins to the right and turns slowly to right left - a draw
The ball begins to right and right to left (30-40 yards) runs a hook
The ball begins to the left and continues on the same line (a sweater)
The ball begins on the right and stays square straight-face at impact.
The ball begins to the right and turns gently from left to right (a fade)
The ball begins to the right and transformed radically from left to right (wafer)
The ball just starts and continues on the same line right (a block)
A golfer must also understand what are the positions of the clubface at impact-is the face of club open or closed end and to what extent?
A second concept is the angle of attack by the golfer in the top of his swing. If the angle is too steep (a piracy move-up and down) the ball pop up, if the angle is too flat, (one around of the body to move), the ball remains low.
Swing path is the line which the club moves to takeaway the impact. It must be a compatible correct path for the ball to remain relatively straight. Wrong path swing can be caused by several errors even before swing begins.A handful of poor, poor alignment, rotation of the main takeaway for example affect the swing plane.
The most common problem in swing down is "coming on top" or swinging at the ball with the hands and shoulders first. This is also called casting. This problem occurs often due to the transfer of low weight of the rear of the front leg. If the shoulders move first "above" the clubhead is thrown outside of the line of flight of the ball inside, which causes the clubface be open. The open clubface crosses the ball, creation of sidespin and a fade - or slice or worse. This describes the 90% of all golfers who decides!
A slice and a sweater are caused by the same lack of swing as the face of club is open or closed to the impact.
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