Rule 4. Clubs |
A player in doubt as to the conformity of a club should consult the USGA.
A manufacturer should submit to the USGA a sample of a club to be manufactured for a ruling as to whether the club conforms with the Rules. The sample becomes the property of the USGA for reference purposes. If a manufacturer fails to submit a sample or, having submitted a sample, fails to await a ruling before manufacturing and/or marketing the club, the manufacturer assumes the risk of a ruling that the club does not conform with the Rules.
All defined terms are in italics and are listed alphabetically in the Definitions section.4-1. Form and Make of Clubs
The player's clubs must conform with this Rule and the provisions, specifications and interpretations set forth in Appendix II.
Note: The Committee may require, in the conditions of a competition (Rule 33-1), that any driver the player carries must have a clubhead, identified by model and loft, that is named on the current List of Conforming Driver Heads issued by the USGA.
A club that conforms with the Rules when new is deemed to conform after wear through normal use. Any part of a club that has been purposely altered is regarded as new and must, in its altered state, conform with the Rules.
4-2. Playing Characteristics Changed and Foreign Material
During a stipulated round, the playing characteristics of a club must not be purposely changed by adjustment or by any other means.
Foreign material must not be applied to the club face for the purpose of influencing the movement of the ball.
Match play - At the conclusion of the hole at which the breach is discovered, the state of the match is adjusted by deducting one hole for each hole at which a breach occurred; maximum deduction per round - Two holes.
Stroke play - Two strokes for each hole at which any breach occurred; maximum penalty per round - Four strokes.
Match or stroke play - In the event of a breach between the play of two holes, the penalty applies to the next hole.
Bogey and par competitions - See Note 1 to Rule 32-1a.
Stableford competitions - See Note 1 to Rule 32-1b.
*Any club or clubs carried in breach of Rule 4-1 or 4-2 must be declared out of play by the player to his opponent in match play or his marker or a fellow-competitor in stroke play immediately upon discovery that a breach has occurred. If the player fails to do so, he is disqualified.
PENALTY FOR making stroke with club in BREACH OF RULE 4-1 or 4-2: Disqualification.
4-3. Damaged Clubs: Repair and Replacement
If, during a stipulated round, a player's club is damaged in the normal course of play, he may:
(i) use the club in its damaged state for the remainder of the stipulated round; or
(ii) without unduly delaying play, repair it or have it repaired; or
(iii) as an additional option available only if the club is unfit for play, replace the damaged club with any club. The replacement of a club must not unduly delay play and must not be made by borrowing any club selected for play by any other person playing on the course.
See Penalty Statements for Rule 4-4a or b and Rule 4-4c.
Note: A club is unfit for play if it is substantially damaged, e.g., the shaft is dented, significantly bent or broken into pieces; the clubhead becomes loose, detached or significantly deformed; or the grip becomes loose. A club is not unfit for play solely because the club's lie or loft has been altered, or the clubhead is scratched.
b. Damage Other Than in Normal Course of Play
If, during a stipulated round, a player's club is damaged other than in the normal course of play rendering it non-conforming or changing its playing characteristics, the club must not subsequently be used or replaced during the round.
c. Damage Prior to Round
A player may use a club damaged prior to a round, provided the club, in its damaged state, conforms with the Rules.
Damage to a club that occurred prior to a round may be repaired during the round, provided the playing characteristics are not changed and play is not unduly delayed.
PENALTY FOR BREACH OF RULE 4-3b or c: Disqualification.
(Undue delay - see Rule 6-7.)
(ii) without unduly delaying play, repair it or have it repaired; or
(iii) as an additional option available only if the club is unfit for play, replace the damaged club with any club. The replacement of a club must not unduly delay play and must not be made by borrowing any club selected for play by any other person playing on the course.
See Penalty Statements for Rule 4-4a or b and Rule 4-4c.
Note: A club is unfit for play if it is substantially damaged, e.g., the shaft is dented, significantly bent or broken into pieces; the clubhead becomes loose, detached or significantly deformed; or the grip becomes loose. A club is not unfit for play solely because the club's lie or loft has been altered, or the clubhead is scratched.
If, during a stipulated round, a player's club is damaged other than in the normal course of play rendering it non-conforming or changing its playing characteristics, the club must not subsequently be used or replaced during the round.
A player may use a club damaged prior to a round, provided the club, in its damaged state, conforms with the Rules.
Damage to a club that occurred prior to a round may be repaired during the round, provided the playing characteristics are not changed and play is not unduly delayed.
PENALTY FOR BREACH OF RULE 4-3b or c: Disqualification.
(Undue delay - see Rule 6-7.)
4-4. Maximum of 14 Clubs
The addition of a club or clubs must not unduly delay play (Rule 6-7) and the player must not add or borrow any club selected for play by any other person playing on the course.
Partners may share clubs, provided that the total number of clubs carried by the Partners so sharing does not exceed 14.
Penalty For Breach Of Rule 4-4a or b, Regardless Of Number Of Excess Clubs Carried:
Match play - At the conclusion of the hole at which the breach is discovered, the state of the match is adjusted by deducting one hole for each hole at which a breach occurred; maximum deduction per round: Two holes.
Stroke play - Two strokes for each hole at which any breach occurred; maximum penalty per round: Four strokes.
Bogey and par competitions - See Note 1 to Rule 32-1a.
Stableford competitions - See Note 1 to Rule 32-1b.
Any club or clubs carried or used in breach of Rule 4-3a(iii) or Rule 4-4 must be declared out of play by the player to his opponent in match play or his marker or a fellow-competitor in stroke play immediately upon discovery that a breach has occurred. The player must not use the club or clubs for the remainder of the stipulated round.
Penalty For Breach Of Rule 4-4c: Disqualification.
Rule 5. The Ball |
All defined terms are in italics and are listed alphabetically in the Definitions section.5-1. General
The ball the player plays must conform to the requirements specified in Appendix III.Note: The Committee may require, in the conditions of a competition (Rule 33-1), that the ball the player plays must be named on the current List of Conforming Golf Balls issued by the United States Golf Association.
5-2. Foreign Material
Foreign material must not be applied to a ball for the purpose of changing its playing characteristics.PENALTY FOR BREACH OF RULE 5-1 or 5-2: Disqualification.
5-3. Ball Unfit for Play
A ball is unfit for play if it is visibly cut, cracked or out of shape. A ball is not unfit for play solely because mud or other materials adhere to it, its surface is scratched or scraped or its paint is damaged or discolored.If a player has reason to believe his ball has become unfit for play during play of the hole being played, he may lift the ball, without penalty, to determine whether it is unfit.
Before lifting the ball, the player must announce his intention to his opponent in match play or his marker or a fellow-competitor in stroke play and mark the position of the ball. He may then lift and examine it, provided that he gives his opponent, marker or fellow-competitor an opportunity to examine the ball and observe the lifting and replacement. The ball must not be cleaned when lifted under Rule 5-3.
If the player fails to comply with all or any part of this procedure or if he lifts the ball without having reason to believe that it has become unfit for play during play of the hole being played, he incurs a penalty of one stroke.
If it is determined that the ball has become unfit for play during play of the hole being played, the player may substitute another ball, placing it on the spot where the original ball lay. Otherwise, the original ball must be replaced. If a player substitutes a ball when not permitted and makes a stroke at the wrongly substituted ball, he incurs the general penalty for a breach of Rule 5-3, but there is no additional penalty under this Rule or 15-2.
If a ball breaks into pieces as a result of a stroke, the stroke is canceled and the player must play a ball, without penalty, as nearly as possible at the spot from which the original ball was played (see Rule 20-5).
Match play - Loss of hole; Stroke play - Two strokes. *If a player incurs the general penalty for breach of Rule 5-3, there is no additional penalty under this Rule.
Note 1: If the opponent, marker or fellow-competitor wishes to dispute a claim of unfitness, he must do so before the player plays another ball.
Note 2: If the original lie of a ball to be placed or replaced has been altered, see Rule 20-3b.
(Cleaning ball lifted from putting green or under any other Rule - see Rule 21.)