
Rules of Golf for you help to learn the game faster

Rules of golf specify how to play the game. The rules are published by a (Royal and Ancient Golf club) or r & USGA (United States Golf Association) every four years. Know the rules can help you improve your golf performance.
The rules of golf include decisions on the rules of golf, published every two years by USGA and r & A, local rules formed by the Committee of the golf club, the rules governing the form and the size of golf equipment which is the specification on clubs and balls, and the rules adopted in competitions.
The general rule of golf is that it consists of playing a ball with a club in the hole by one or more traits. The game must be played from the teeing ground, which is the starting point of the hole. The front and sides of the tee ground is defined by tee-markers. The player not advanced must influence on ball unless specified by the rules. If the player is to move the ball, he is liable to the penalty stroke.
The game of golf consists of one side playing against the other side on a fixed Tower. The round consists of playing the holes in the correct order. Usually, the number of holes in a round is 18. Golf rules specify that the game is one where one side holes are more then the number of holes remaining to play.
Game concession has certain rules. Generally, a player may concede a match at any time before you begin or end the game. Similarly, he\she can concede a hole at any time. The player can concede the next race of the opposing player at any time. However, once the admission is made, it is not possible to remove or deny it.
Rules of golf for ball must be strictly followed. No foreign material can be applied to the ball with the intent to modify its characteristics. The ball can be used to play if it is cut, cracked or not in the form. If the player believes that the ball is unfit to play, he can throw the ball. However, he must declare his intention to the adversary. Clubs used in the game needs to deal with the rules. The manufacturer must submit the sample of the club to the USGA to confirm if it is manufactured according to the rules. The characteristics of game of the club shall not be deliberately changed.
The player has certain responsibilities in accordance with the rules of golf. The player is responsible to know the rules. If he violates a rule, he may incur a penalty. The player has need to start the game the expiry of the prescribed period. In the stroke play, it should remain throughout the channel in the group. The player can be assisted by a shopping cart, which can help him for the carrying or clubs in the room. However, a player is allowed to have only a single basket at a time.
The rules of golf admit the player to practice all the days of match play on the course competition. However, stroke play, the competitor not must not practice on the course of the competition. These are the official rules of golf, and you can buy the current rules booklet published by the USGA to determine the substantive rules.

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