Some of the rules of golf may seem quite severe for the average reader of weekend. But they are well-designed. They prevent players from gaining an unfair advantage over another golfer. Other "rules" of golf to follow players are more courtesy than anything else. Rules of golf to label are not always covered in lessons of golf and golf advice, but they make the game more enjoyable and must be respected as well. Here are some of the most frequent that all players must follow regardless of their golf handicaps.
Play ready Golf
Tournament the player whose ball is away the plays generally first hole, followed by the player whose ball is the second away from the hole and so forth, up to what everyone has perforated. In the room of causation, play golf ready instead. That means hitting once ready, even if you are not far away, until you reach the green. Which speeds up the game. Also, be ready to strike when it's your turn on the tee. And do not spend more than 5 minutes, the search for a ball. The idea is to get around the course as quickly as possible without pressed. Evaluate your game honestly and often. If you are slow, accelerate.
Repair mottes
This should really read, "repairing the ground you play on." Many golfers weekend fail to repair the course of laziness. Of other simply Don't care. But repairs takes only a minute or two, and it helps to keep the course in good shape. Carry a knife or a divot tool to repair the ball on the green marks. Replace plugs when you can or use the mixing of seeds packed on the side of your shopping cart. And rake bunkers after hit on their part. The bunker are also smooth you can and don't leave grooves after scraping. Ask you if you do not want to play in the bunker. If this is not the case, then return to work.
Be respectful on the Green
There is nothing worse that someone speaks or make a loud noise in your putt. Stand alone and the moment where a player sets itself until the ball has left the club again. While you can do all speak and move you want. If a player is putting, Don't stand in his field of vision practise your swing. Never and I want to say never, walk in line of a person to play on the Green, even if you wear a spikeless shoes. And never stand in line behind the player or the hole game player. Note where each ball is on the Green and then stay in the line everyone.
Turn off cell phones
Many people carry cell phones on a course for good reasons. But if you carry a cell phone, turn it off when they play. Nobody wants to hear a ring in its most particularly on the tee or green. If you are waiting for an important call, you can always check the phone between shots. If you need to return a call, keep your voice down and step off the coast on one side. In addition, to make the conversation as short as possible.
Observe the rules of etiquette trolley
Carts are an integral part of the game of today. But they can damage a course. Observe good "label truck" when reading. Ideally, your goal is to leave no trace of driving a truck to the course. Avoid wet areas, repair areas and areas which were beaten. Follow that club of directional signs of shutting down it and the tracks lining the course. Instead follow the other single file before branching off, clouds of points-while the world takes traffic different cart course so spreads. Diffusion minimizes damage to the course by trucks.
Other rules of etiquette include fixing the flagstick carefully, stuffing down spike marks when walking off the coast of a green and let faster groups to play through. Also, always check the green before leaving to ensure that you or another player left a club behind which can interfere with shooting by another player.
These are some of the rules of the game of tag. Many are not covered in the golf training sessions. But you can learn by staying alert and noticed what others are doing. The idea is to make the game as pleasant as possible. According to the rules of etiquette is something every golfer can and should do, regardless of his golf handicap. It is just common courtesy.